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National Adoption Month

I cannot believe it is already the end of November! National Adoption Month has been a busy (and amazing) month! My sweet Judson turned 5 years old! I love that he was born in National Adoption Month and that his first birthday actually fell on National Adoption Day. What an amazing testimony to God's Will for each of us. This month has been very successful for the Queen of Bags. Not only was I able to raise enough donations to do 125 bags but I received a whopping $1,250 donation from a local civic organization! For a one woman show (with lots and lots of support from friends and family) that is HUGE! It gave me a major boost of confidence and I am now on my way to making the Queen of Bags a 501(c) Non-Profit organization thanks to my friend that's a lawyer (I love having friends with talents)! With this donation I will be able to send another 100 bags into foster care.

As we near the end of the month, I hope you will think about all of the things you are blessed to have and are thankful for and remember those in need. Christmas is the season of hope, love, and giving! It may be cold but remember you can breathe that cold air in your healthy lungs! You may need to eat a little healthier but remember you have the ability to purchase those greens and fruits while others may not (so go get some!), and you may be saying you spent too much on gifts so far but that's okay, just be sure to grab an extra toy or two and drop it by your local toys for tots drop off! If you have some jackets that are too small or you don't wear anymore, take them to a local shelter so someone else can be warm this season. I hope you have a blessed end to your November and remember this quote by John Wood, "Focus on your mission, and you will come to see the struggles of life not as a burden but as an integral part of the process." No go out and do something great for someone else and for yourself! You will be blessed just as much as them!



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